Saturday, August 4, 2012

Christmas In August? (almost)

  We had several visitor yesterday who loved our peacocks.  I have included two pictures which Michele Vogelsong sent me of the beautiful Christmas tree decorations which she creates using peacock feathers.  She purchased 30 more feathers to make more new ornaments for this year's tree.  I am amazed at some of the beautiful crafts that can be created by using natural feathers, and fibers.  I guess the peacocks themselves also deserve some of the credit since they develop the feathers.
   The other group of guests wanted to see the male peacocks, but despite staying for 3 hours the birds never made an appearance.  I know some people would consider my observations anthropocentric but it seems coincidental that the males lose their tail feathers in July and then disappear for several weeks as they sulk in the shadows and hide from both their peahen mates and human admirers alike.  In June the males are stopping traffic and strutting around making themselves as visible as possible.  Then in the course of 3 weeks they lose their tails and become invisible. 

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